Saturday, October 11, 2008


Chelle, my wife, and I are sitting in Seatac airport waiting to catch the first leg of a two flight trip to Barcelona. We're both already tired after preparing the house for my parents who are babysitting the kids while we're away. I'm so grateful to them.

So we're off on our first overseas adventure. I'm so excited but not for the reasons that you may think. The real gift for me is the time I get to spend with Chelle alone.

Its easy for the daily grind to take over and wear you down. The kids come first and my work isn't, well, just a job to me. I honestly think I was meant to do this. Just as I honestly believe Chelle and I were meant to find each other.

So its always a gift to be alone together for a while without the pressures of daily life. We'll come home tired but recharged with the memory of what really counts in life fresh again.

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